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b 2010
Azerbaidjan 2004

South-East Asia 2003

b sept 2002

Burkina Faso - 2002

Sénégal - Aug 2000






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Voyage en Azerbaidjan - Août 2004 – b

Peinture - des créations en herbe pour amateur et néophytes

Coup de gueule !- for those who are unable to follow regular courses. If you travel most of your time, we will schedule your sessions according to your availability.




The aim of this site is to present you some of my activities.

If you need to learn French fast, give yourself two to four weeks to do it.My Propulse Drink will enable you in a very short time to communicate actively in French in day to day social and professional situations.

If you are not a beginner but wish to speed up your communication in French, think of Propulse Drink - that's what you need.

Strictly individualized, Propulse Drink is designed to meet your personal and professional interests. Although totally committed to the fulfillment of its main objective, which is clearly established beforehand, the Propulse drinking process is pleasant and all its consequencess are developed in an harmonious way, in a very friendly French atmosphere. You will like it.


Welcome to Chinese friends

Qu'est ce que c'est ? du chinois !!

Ni hao ? Wo jiao Tanguy Wo shi fa guo jen J'apprends le chinois, mais n'en suis qu'au début :) I'm trying to learn some sentences in chinese, but time is most of the time too speed to do all what I want ...

© 2004-2005 Tanguy Bodin-Hullin. Tous droits réservés.
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